
  • 6911
  • PHP
  • 38
  • super_dodo
  • 2017/03/02


这一篇主要讲邀请新用户参与到沙盒模式的简单实现。Manage Clients创建好之后,我们需要管理我们的客户端的相关信息。开发阶段我们都是以sandbox模式作为环境,且sandbox是必须的。当然沙盒模式也是有很多限制的(如下图所示)。Users will need to accept the invitation to become sandbox users. You can invite up to 10 users and each user can be invited to 5 apps.



之后我只能尝试访问一些手动的链接,这个链接就很像 https://www.instagram.com/developer/clients/sandbox_invites/ 之后跳出下面的页面,乍一看还以为要注册另外一个开发应用呢。其实是使自己成为开发者。这个时候我填写了下面的信息,信息手机号都可以随意填写。之后我提交就顺利通过了。


再次去访问这个 https://www.instagram.com/developer/clients/sandbox_invites/ 的时候出现了如下图。哈哈哈。果断同意Accept啊。




Sandbox Users

When you want to start working with the Instagram API Platform, you can register a new app that will start in Sandbox mode.
 Since this mode is meant for development, apps in Sandbox mode are not visible to the general public, 
 but instead are only visible to a limited set of up to 10 authorized 'sandbox users'. 
 Only these users will be able to test and authenticate your app.

To manage the list of sandbox users for a given app, you can go to the Sandbox tab in your client configuration screen. 
There you will be able to add and remove the sandbox users for your app, up to a maximum of 10 users. 
Note that the admin of the app is always a sandbox user, so you can effectively add up to 9 additional 'sandbox users'.

After adding users to the list, they will have to accept your invitation before actually becoming sandbox users. 
To accept the invitation, they can go to the 'Sandbox Invites' button on the top bar of the developer site. 
In the 'Sandbox Invites' page people can accept or reject invitations, and also stop being sandbox users for a given app.

Note: a user can become a sandbox user of up to 5 apps. 
You will not be able to invite someone that is already a test user of 5 apps.

